Booth Engineers & Associates and our structural engineering consultants offers our ‘Project Assistance’ package which is aimed at assisting our clients through the construction process from start to finish; obtaining relevant quotes from suitable contractors, making sure that quotes have reasonable allowances and expected contingencies, and that all relevant paperwork, structural inspections and approvals have been catered for during the construction process. Our structural engineering expertise ensures a smooth process.

    A fee proposal for Project Assistance can be provided once a suitable engineering design has been developed for the rectification works that you require (e.g. underpinning, concrete repair, damaged retaining wall etc).

    Below is an example project that our team has undertaken on behalf of a body corporate at Paddington, Brisbane:

    1. Booth Engineers was engaged to undertake a preliminary report and structure inspection on a three storey unit complex in Paddington, Brisbane. The body corporate had advised issues with movement / subsidence to the structure along with notably defects to the external suspended concrete walkways.
    2. Our levels and data recorded on site concluded that there was evidence of subsidence, ground movement and sagging to the suspended slabs. Rectification works were required to address the issues.

        1. We were additionally engaged to develop a detailed scope of works for the rectification process, along with our ‘Project Assistance’ package (a management service we offer — see our article on Project Assistance for further information).
        2. Booth Engineers prepared a tender document and invited contractors to submit quotes for the project. Following ongoing communication with the body corporate and potential contractors, the body corporate selected their preferred contractor to proceed with.
        3. The contractor undertook the rectification works which included:

    a. Undertook extensive underpinning excavations to the basement carpark area adding additional support to the structure’s supporting walls and columns.
    b. The contractors undertook jacking with supervision from our engineers to attempt to address the subsiding floor slabs.
    c. Support beams and posts were added to the suspended concrete walkways to address further sagging and defects to the slab.
    d. Booth Engineers undertook engineering inspections throughout the duration of the works to monitor progress.

    Finally, Booth Engineers undertook a final site visit and ensured all parties were satisfied with the rectification works and will issue a final close out letter for the body corporates future records.

  • For expert guidance and assessment of your suspended balcony slabs, we recommend reaching out to Booth Engineers and Associates Pty Ltd.

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    For more information, or to get a quote , please contact our team